Monday, August 16, 2010

Personal Rant 1: Life Without a Laptop!

Oh! The sheer, utter, inhumane horror! I've been livivng without a laptop for months and the feeling is just now hitting me. Especially now since I am no longer working (which would allow me access to a computer) I am understanding how integral a computer is to life now.

I remember when I didn't have a computer at all. But then again, I was a child back then and my life didn't revolve around a computer. Now, as an adult, a writer and now a job seeker, that "Link" between me and the cyber world is broken. However, I have a temporary solution to my No PC world....MY CELLPHONE! Without my G1 (as dumb as it is sometimes) has kept me as much in the loop as I can be. I cannot be too picky...I still have access to all my emails and my social networking, but when I have to download things from one place to another or create documents I have to search for the nearest computer and guess where that search brought me....

The LIBRARY! Yes....I am now the proud recipent of a library card which gives me access to BOOKS and COMPUTERS! Its like heaven! (LOL) (sidenote: I was completely aware that libraries had books and computers. Please don't think I'm slow!)

Now though I have my all access pass at the library, I have found one flaw: I can only be on the computer for an HOUR! In computer talk that is like no time! I guess now I will just have to learn to rap everything up in an hour.
Until then, hopefully when I get a new first big purchase is going to be a laptop...I feel like a fish with no water...
Until next time...

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